New tax incentives for key sectors of the export industry

New tax incentives for key sectors of the export industry

On December 4th, 2023 additions to the Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination to broaden the basis of discrimination.

An addition to the concept of discrimination to include intersectional discrimination, in which two forms of discrimination as present at the same time, including the concepts od direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, structural or systemic discrimination and discrimination by association.

Likewise, two additional assumptions are added relating to disabled persons. The first prohibits, I public establishments, the entrance to persons who assist a disabled person or support animals. And the second, considers discrimination to include the obstruction of any measure of accessibility in person,  transportation, information, technology and communications relating to services and facilities open to the public or of public use, as well as obstruction of any other elements destined to the accessibility and mobility of disabled persons.