Corporate Transactional

We guide both Mexican and international clients in planning and implementing their investment in Mexico whether to start-up their operations in Mexico or for already existing operations in México; from the selection of the best place to establish their operations to guiding foreign clients on the road to establishing operations in a country not their own. Likewise, we advise then on the national and international implications of doing business in Mexico.

We advise our Mexican and foreign clients in their day-to-day operations, as well as in mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, establishment, dissolutions, liquidations, associations public-private associations, investment and divestment processes, group and corporate restructurings and reorganizations, and also audits to understand where they stand among other things.

We provide our Mexican and foreign clients with integral advice that includes relevant matters in the operation related to labor and employees, taxes, import-export, corporate governance and anti-corruption, environmental, ESG, antitrust, among others.

We guide our foreign clients from the moment they start to explore the possibility of investing in Mexico. We have a lot of experience in guiding foreign clients in the road, for them unknown, of Mexican law. We provide them with relevant information on each legal aspect to be considered when investing in Mexico. Likewise, we guide them in the legal processes necessary to carry out their daily operation, in which we consider the processes abroad to which the businesses are subject, and a correct compliance with Mexican law.

We advise our clients in the legal business risks to which they my be exposed when they invest in Mexico an in their daily operations, So that our clients may take well informed decisions regarding their operations.


  • Strategy for Investment in Mexico
  • Corporation and Company Incorporation and establishment
  • Operational Strategy in Mexico
  • Restructurings
  • Contracts
  • Mergers, Acquisitions, Spin-offs
  • Joint ventures
  • Start-ups
  • Dissolutions and liquidations
  • Corporate legal Compliance
  • Corporate Governance
  • Real Estate