Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

We have a firm commitment with creating diverse and inclusive environment, in which equitable opportunities are provided. This commitment is not only internal within our firm, but we also seek to guide our clients in the creation of cultures that integrate the diversity, equity and inclusion. We provide advice in the establishment of strategies, structures, programs that permit potentializing each person’s differences. We advise clients creating structures that strengthen their operation taking into account the diversity of each person so that in that manner it may provide integral and complete solutions. To achieve innovation and integral global solutions is necessary to have diverse teams.


  • Consultancy for operation
  • Consultancy on ESG matters, particularly DEI
  • Strat4gy for DEI programs
  • Legal compliance in matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion, including non-discrimination, no-violence
  • Establishment of policies, committees
  • Courses and training