Environmental, Social and Governance
(ASG or ESG)

For our firm it is especially important to be conscious of the effect of our actions in the world in which we live, not only the effect on the environment, but also in the social due to the lack of internal policies and effective governance bodies.

Although our firm is focused on the social aspects, particularly matters of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, it i not possible to advise on ASG without considering the other two aspects (environment and governance).

We guide our clients in the establishment of programs and policies to create inclusive spaces within the operation, to eliminate violence in the workplace and eradicate the gender gap, creating guidelines, guides, policies, talks and training in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. We guide and provide advice to our clients in the understanding and implementation of the NOM 035, including strategy to establish physical inclusive spaces.

We provide advice to our clients in matters of sustainability, guiding our clients so that each action they take brings them closer to the objectives of sustainability of the business.

The environmental and governance advice is provided by expert attorneys with who we have a business relationship, with which we have established non-exclusive alliances.


  • Advice on tax incentives for sustainable investments.
  • Prevention of complaints of “greenwashing”.
  • Consultancy on compliance with environmental obligations including those relating to water conservation and handling of waste.
  • Consultancy on regulation of Energy Efficient projects.
  • Advice on environmental impact of the import, export and, if applicable, return of machinery, equipment, materials and waste.
  • Consultancy relating to labelling for the commercialization of products.
  • Advice on mitigation and adaptation project in light of the Climate Crisis.
  • Analysis, strategy and identification of mechanisms for energy efficiency, sustainability and transition.
  • Review and analysis of alternatives to develop, improve and sustain the actions in the matter of energy contained in the statements of the business in regard to sustainability. 
  • Review and analysis of compliance with goals for the reduction of emissions. 
  • Report of compliance with goals of clean energies and energy efficiency. 
  • Analysis of environmental impact of the operations of businesses that carry out activities relating to the energy sector. 
  • Preparation of Due Diligence Reports to determine the actions in energy matters that are bien implemented, as well as those that are pending, in order to obtain the energy efficiency in the business.

  • Labor consultancy relating to the benefits and conditions of the workers. 
  • Advice and guidance regarding diversity, equity and inclusion.  
  • Consultancy and advice regarding the impact on compliance of NOM-035 in the labor force and proposals to mitigate said impact. 
  • Guidance and advice in the application of the legal compliance with internal and external social commitments.
  • Advice on the impact of handling of general waste, hazardous waste, energy, use of water, general waste, and others. 
  • Due Diligence to review compliance in social matters with national and international norms and legislation.
  • Advice on real estate and structural projects for improving the conditions of the workers, such as, dining rooms, lactation rooms and rest areas, and nurseries, among others.
  • Advice on social benefits real estate and structural projects, such as, health centers. schools, parks, and green areas, among others.
  • Due Diligence on compliance with norms that prohibit forced labor, work of minors, precarious labor conditions and modern slavery, among others.
  • Guidance relating to supply chains.
  • Advice and guidance on the social impact of energy projects



  • Due Diligence of internal policies and compliance programs to meet the new ESG standards. Proposals for adjustments.
  • Due Diligence focused on sustainability in mergers and acquisitions, supply chains, contracts with suppliers, etc. 
  • Compliance with provisions in matters of reports on commitments and goals. 
  • Preparation of policies, manuals and protocols to establish commitments and measure compliance. 
  • Preparation and negotiation of contracts and agreements to comply with commitments in sustainability matters (Collaboration Agreements, Joint Ventures, Agreements in light of Objective 17 SDG). 
  • Consultancy on compliance with obligations on money laundering and anti-corruption in México. 
  • Assistance in structuring corporate governance of public and private companies (committees, bord meeting, review and updating of charter, etc). 
  • Compliance with obligations regarding protection of personal data.